Take the Natural Approach

21 years so ago I walked into my esthetics school with a face full of breakouts, cystic acne, and angry skin. I felt like a fraud since I wanted to help people treat their skin but mine was so bad, who could trust me? I started to learn how to really help people with issues they were dealing with and started down my own journey of finding the skin routine for me. I tried whatever was introduced to me through the salons, my school, and through trade shows. Some things worked, some didn’t, but as long as I could help my clients, I was happy.

At this point I found a routine that was good enough to keep things at bay, but the moment I wanted to really get my skin in tip top shape I would try something new and have flare ups all over again.

Until LimeLife.

Five years ago when we came out with the skin care I tried it and my skin absolutely reacted in the best way to it. It made no sense to me because it was an all natural line, and in my head I’ve already thought that all natural meant “not as effective.”

It turns out that my skin was so tired of me trying all of these ingredients to counteract symptoms that it just gave me more symptoms. When all of the natural ingredient in LimeLife was given a chance to nourish my skin, my skin all of a sudden relaxed and seemed to remember how to act.

I no longer deal with breakouts and my skin is in the best condition it has ever been. Sure I still have flushed cheeks (which has calmed down tremendously) and my melasma pops up a bit during summer, but the texture is completely different and the breakouts show up every once in a while as an annoying dot rather than overall texture. You would not be able to tell that I was someone who went into adulthood with full-blown adult acne.

I am so grateful for this all natural skincare line and wanted to introduce her to you- it’s definitely worth giving a try. I would love for you to reach out to me if you have any questions about what you think you should get!