Behind the Scenes: Kat’s Lighting and Camera Setup

The most frequently asked question I get, outside of hair and makeup advice, is on my video setup. There is a specific clarity and brightness to the videos that stand out and it is something that my photographer husband, Luis Aragon, has helped me achieve. (Thank you babe!)

In this webinar Luis will talk about the why behind our shift to this lighting setup. He will also go over specifics on why we set things up the way we do, what specific items we use, and more! 

When you sign up for this webinar you will automatically be subscribing to my newsletter which will bring you my perspective on how I have been able to level up in many different areas in my life from beauty to business, and everything in between.

Remember, you DO NOT need all of this to grow a successful business online. I worked for many years with my RIKI mirror and before that with my phone propped up on books facing a window. It isn’t the lighting that helps your business grow, it is the value you provide. However, once you start investing back into your business you will find lots of roads you can take to find that perfect look. We hope this video helps take the guesswork out of so much trial and error of that process. Even better, we hope this inspires you to find what works best for you to elevate your business.